The Connection Runners [Search results for ZOOMA]
ZOOMA Ambassador
Pursuing a passion: HEB ZOOMA Texas Girlfriends Program
ZOOMA Austin 1/2 Marathon Recap
ZOOMA Austin 1/2 marathon recap, and a GIVEAWAY!
I walked up the Empire State building TWICE with my couch
H-E-B ZOOMA Texas Girlfriends Program Kickoff
Adios Texas
Trails, Trials, Chickens and Veggies
ZOOMA in one word (a video)
1st Group Training Run
Five Things Friday
Tomorrow is Race Day:Bring on the Hills
Knock Me Down, But I'm Sticking Around
Sony Walkman MP3 Player GIVEAWAY (and review)
Getting Faster and Being Injured
Austin Marathon Weekend
Mentors Wanted:
Rock n Roll San Antonio 2011 part 2
Ahhh the runner (welcome to race week)
I'm racing and YOU'RE invited!