The Connection Runners [road blocks]
MCM Monday #8: My Super Sweet & Scary 16
MCM Monday #7: On Being a Running Working Stiff
MCM Monday #5: Brought to You by David Bowie
Life Lately: The Cliff's Notes Version
Seattle Start
Why Being Fat, Cranky, and Still Pregnant Can Be a Good Thing
Soup, Salad, the 2012 NYCM Lottery, or Brussels Sprouts?
I've Come Down With a Case of Commitment Phobia
Accepting a New Pace
The Learning Curve
A New Kind of Training
Five Friday Confessions
Frankie Says Relax... Part 2
Frankie Says... Relax?
True Grit
26.2 Miles vs. 40 Weeks
A Wee Little Problem
Why I'm Having a Hard Time Slowing Down
5 Easy Ways to (Nearly) Sabotage-Proof Your Diet
Reassessing What "Easy" Means