The Connection Runners

H-E-B ZOOMA Texas Girlfriends Program Kickoff

Our H-E-B ZOOMA Texas Girlfriends Program kickoff was held on December 15th at BettySport in Austin. I was super excited about the kick off, and finally getting to meet all the ladies. I started out by introducing the program, afterwards our mentors shared their personal running stories and the beginners told the group why they had joined the program.


It was a great evening filled with 3 of my favorite things that start with "S": Shopping, Socializing, and Shoe fitting. There was even a massage therapist on hand from Austin BodyWorker and since the evening was terrible weather which equated to horrible commutes for most, the massages were a welcome treat.


For those of you not familiar with the program, H-E-B and ZOOMA pair beginner runners up with running mentors and then provide them training plans, gear, inspiration and the tools they need to cross the finish line. I am both the Program Manager and a Mentor to two beginners.

Listening to everyone's stories provided inspiration and hope, not only for the beginners but for the mentors as well. We look forward to following and supporting our beginners all the way to the finish line.


Special thanks to H-E-B for sponsoring the program, BettySport for hosting and supporting our ladies, and Austin Bodyworker for providing massages.

  1. > Road ID Giveaway (brought to you by a dead deer)
  2. > Feel it in your bones
  3. > Falling Flat
  4. > Shoe Love
  5. > Allied Medal Display Giveaway