So much to get caught up on, I figured I’d do a quick run-down in one post.
Last weekend along with spectating the Olympic Trials Marathon, we spent time visiting my grandparents. Dash had a great time checking out their chickens and learning about all the veggies they grow. They sent us home with fresh eggs, kale, peppers, cilantro and an assortment of other veggies.

Speaking of the Olympic Trials, I only posted pictures from the first half. We had a great time, and even ran into my friend Steph (who ran a HUGE PR the next day).

I’ve been working as the Program Manager for the H-E-B ZOOMA Texas Girlfriends Program. We have taken a group of 15 “beginners” and paired them up with local running mentors. We’ve provided them with training plans, gear, group runs, and the support they need to get to race day. H-E-B has been an amazing sponsor, and in an effort to improve our groups overall health H-E-B gave us a store tour, lead by their regional dietitian. It was great seeing a grocery trip through the eyes of a dietitian.

Our group runs have been split between Town Lake Trail and Brushy Creek Trail. If you’re interested in training for ZOOMA Texas you can find all the info at This past weekend I ran 6 miles with the group, while pushing Dash. And yes, he wore his jammies. I pulled him out of bed at 6:30am and tucked him in the stroller half asleep. Afterwards, he stretched out with the group.