The Connection Runners [races]
My Crim 10-Mile Training Plan
MCM #10: Goal-den Girl
Crim 10-Mile Race Recap
Run Locally: A Shameless Plug for the Crim
RnR Seattle Half Marathon Race Recap
Summer Begins in Seattle
Martian Meteor 10k Race Recap
You're Not HardCorps Unless You Live HardCorps
2012: The Comeback Season (?)
What I Will and Won't Be Doing in 2012
Top 10 "Real World" Moments of 2011
Detroit Turkey Trot 5k Race Recap
So You Want to Run a Race?
I've Come Down With a Case of Commitment Phobia
Wicked 5k Race Recap
The Cupcake Classic 3.7-Mile Virtual Race Recap
Accepting a New Pace
2011 Chicago Marathon Spectating Recap
Sideline Spectator
The Comeback Kid