The Connection Runners [Search results for working out]
Excuses... I've known a few
Best Body Bootcamp: Week 6
Its up to YOU to make it happen
You can quit. Just do it tomorrow
working out + orgasm = "Coregasm"
The positive side of an injury
Three Things Thursday: Motivate Me, Please
On Not "Eating For Two"
Running Skirts Saturday Giveaway #3
Moab Red Hot 50K Race Report
May Monotony in Review
Pondering Utopia on a Solo Run
We grow because we struggle, we learn and overcome
So You Want to Run a Race?
Jemez Mountain Trail Run 2012
Pre-race post: thoughts, jitters, and general excitement
Transforming Tricia In 21 Days
Wasatch Front 100 2011
Recovery Thoughts
Best Body Bootcamp: Week 4