That initial "ZOMG-I-heart-working-out" euphoria started to wear off this week. I kind of felt like a used-up car air freshener - a little bit of freshness still clung to me and my good intentions, but mostly I was a tired, old faded tree hanging from the rearview mirror of a 1992 Dodge Acclaim.

Look at those mad Photoshop free Picasa skillz. Pretty sure a third grader could outPhotoshopPicasa me.
Week 4 Workouts
At least there were some successes to celebrate. I managed to fit in five workouts this week, with the highlight being Sunday's "long" run at a nice pace. My final mile for that run was a 9:09(!), so I'm pleased to see my old paces returning.
Monday: weights workout A (lower body)
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: weights workout B (full body)
Thursday: 3 mi run @ 9:49
Friday: off
Saturday: 3 mi run @9:32
Sunday: 5 mi run @ 9:39
However, as cool temperatures and rain made an unwelcome comeback last week, I didn't venture outside to walk with Charlotte at all as we usually do on weights days. Also, I skipped workout C (again), so my upper body didn't get as much of a hit as it needs.
You should probably just skip reading this section because I sucked on both goals this week, going 3/7 on each. Fart.
I wish I could blame the lack of progress in this category on some ridiculousness like:
- The grocery store was all out of produce. Completely out. So I couldn't buy or eat ANY.
- Our water supply was tainted with backed up sewage. The grocery store was also out of bottled water (crazy, I know - it's like the Apocalypse or something).
Week 4 Focus: Something is Better Than Nothing
Despite the blah-blah-blah of the week, I'm going to put on a stupid perky face and paint my cheeks a rosy red and say to hell with it. When I look back at my workouts and the fact that I went 3/7 on my two goals, I feel proud of accomplishing at least that much.
If I hadn't done anything but continue to make a bum imprint into my couch while watching repeats of Shahs of Sunset (for the love of openly gay Reza, this show is amazing), I wouldn't have anything cool to discuss in this post.
So, as I recap my progress, the theme for week 4 becomes clear: Something is always better than nothing.
A slow, clomping three miles always beats not having to upload your Garmin stats because you didn't even make it out the door.
A mandarin orange eaten with breakfast always beats the cookie you were about to snarf at 9:30, even if you snarf that cookie later. (Right?)
A CamelBak or two of water always beats zero ounces.
So it wasn't a super fantastic sunshine and rainbows type of week, but I'll take it.
What do you think? Are you a believer in the "something over nothing" mentality? Or am I just wasting my time writing all this junk when I could be slurping down water and fruit and going for a run?