The end of May is here, and June is sneaking up around the corner ready to pile-drive us into summer time.
I can't believe another month has come and gone; seriously, these last weeks have flown by faster than any other, and it's shocking because I really haven't done much of anything lately.
Still, I felt I needed a reprieve from it all (what "it all" is, I'm not sure, but it feels like a lot of stuff), so you may have noticed I've been a little light on the posting front lately. Weekends have been chock full, and the days I have had time, I just haven't had the energy to write anything even remotely lame or interesting.
After feeling rather pooptastic about everything lately, including not feeling 100% committed to writing, I read this post about feeling the blogging pressures on Little Miss Runshine. She hit the proverbial nail right on the proverbial head.
A few key points which are a combination of her ideas and my own feelings about trying to do it all.
1. This blog began as a way for me to hash out my training plans, tell witty lame jokes, and ramble about being a 20-something lady trying to figure it all out. I still want it to be that way, but I can't force the writing. If that means I don't post every day about every thing I do, that's okie-dokie.
2. Sometimes, it's more important to just live out the moment, rather than trying to capture it perfectly to recreate it in a post later. While I've had a lot of fun documenting my runs down Hines Drive and the Kalamazoo Marathon), I'd become a bit obsessed lately with trying to create a post in my head while doing any given thing - watering the lawn, teaching kids random English bits, reading a book. Some people are great at sharing those details of their lives, I'm just not one of them, perhaps.
And 3. I really value those of you who actually stop by this tiny piece of the Interwebz once in a while, and I want to provide you with decent writing about decently cool stuff. Again, if I force the posts, it just doesn't work for me.
Connecting with people across the country (and in foreign, exotic places, too!) has been amazing, and knowing that others share my passion for writing and running makes me smile. So I hope to keep this blog as interesting and as readable as possible for you all :)
Ok, so that part is over. On to the May Monotony!
Running Recap
Miles Run: 40.35 (hence the monotony)
Longest Run: 26.2 (or 26.45, per my Garmin, but who's counting?)
Races: The Kalamazoo Marathon
Running Moment of the Month: Crossing the marathon finish line for the second time. Those emotions just can't be beat.
RoadAgainMegan IRL
At Work: I said goodbye to my senior journalism students, and got a bit wistful thinking about my own high school days as my 10-year graduation anniversary lurks in the near future.
At Home: The hubs and I celebrated 3 years of marriage and just over 7 years of being together. I recapped our love affair here.
Blog Bits
Good Reading: One of my favorite blogs this month has got to be Can You Stay for Dinner? I gushed about Andie's writing in a Friday Favorite post recently, but her whole blog really deserves a huge round of applause. I seriously heart it.
On the Road Again... Again: The writing flowed easily onto the blog page when I was preparing for the Kzoo Marathon, and I wrote about 7,897 posts about it. Not really, but there were a few - here are the highlights:
Kalamazoo Marathon Recap
Why I Love Race Photos
Thoughts on Kalamazoo
PTSTOW: Kalamazoo Marathon Edition
What's New: Well, there is some new stuff coming to the old blog, but I can't reveal it just yet! Soon, soon.
Ok, so this stuff is not so new, but I love shameless plugs. Follow me on Twitter if you don't already, and come over to the Daily Mile and see me there, too!
June Goals
Stretch It Out: I'm carrying over a May goal and getting ready to seek out a yoga class or two. Still in need of suggestions or other fun yoga tips!
Beat the Heat: Avoid the Michigan mugginess by working out in the mornings, late evenings, or at the gym. Whatever it takes!
Find That Darn Bandwagon: Yes, this has been a slow month for Megan. Yes, I have to remind myself that it's ok to take time off. Yes, I did run once since the marathon (a cool 3 miler over Memorial Day weekend). Yes, I will get back on to some kind of schedule!
Arcade Fire will now finish out this post with a rockin' song about the month of May appropriately titled, "Month of May". Yippee!
Thank you for stopping by On the Road Again this month! I heart you all puppies and rainbows style.
And lastly, tell me anything you want about the May you had or the June you hope to have!