The Connection Runners [Search results for safety]
Road ID Giveaway (brought to you by a dead deer)
Road Id Review and Giveaway
My life in ziploc bags
Marathon #4: 2011 ING Miami Marathon
Nuun Winner & A Race Bib Display Tutorial
iFitness Giveaway
Hood to Coast, Leg 2:playing chicken with the train
The Momathon
Half the pain, all the frustration
Monday Meanderings
"Me? Trash talking?!" HTC leg 3
Gym in a Bag Giveaway
Breaking the Deadly Addiction: Tanning
Yep, I Cooked. I Made BBQ Chicken Rolls
The Quebec City Marathon
Kalamazoo Packing Extravaganza
It takes A LOT to keep us looking and feeling good
How I Ran Kalamazoo and Why I'm Giving Up Chicago
Road ID Giveaway