Don't worry, the people at Road ID aren't into animal cruelty, but they ARE into safety,your safety.
Those of you that follow me on Twitter, know why the subject of "safety first" is on my mind. I will fill the rest of you in.
Earlier this week my younger brother hit a deer with his motorcycle. It was on a dark country road. There were no street lights and minimal visibility with curves and hills. He was headed to work (he works night shift) when a deer dashed out from the trees. He hit the deer and lost control. He parted ways with his motorcycle and went flying.

He found himself in the middle of the road unsure if he could move. Luckily he had his cell phone zipped in his pocket and he was able to call my parents house, which was thankfully only a mile or so away. My poor mom answered the call. My brother said he had hit a deer and was in the middle of the road. He was worried someone was going to come over the hill and hit him. He knew something was wrong with his legs, he couldn't stand up.
Of course we all rushed to help. He had managed to drag himself to the side of the road just as a car came upon him. They were able to see him because of the reflective stripes on his jacket.
He ended up with broken bones in each legs and of course some abrasions. Painful yes, BUT he was lucky it wasn't MUCH worse. His safety gear went a long way in saving him. He had on a helmet and a padded, reflective motorcycle jacket. I don't like to think about what would've happened without that gear, and without the help of a few guardian angels.
Well, most of you probably don't ride motorcycles, but that doesn't mean you don't need to put some thought into personal safety. Whether out for a run, ride or walk it's always important to put safety first. If you're looking for tips for running safety, please read my previous Road ID post HERE.

It's important to carry identification. Unfortunately, when there is an accident, the contents of your pockets don't always stay with you. I personally wear a Road ID. It is a bracelet that has your identification and emergency contact information engraved on it. They are super comfortable, and most importantly give you piece of mind that your loves ones will be contacted in case of an emergency.

Here is a chance to win a RoadID of your own.Contest ends midnight 2/11. Winner selected randomly. SEPARATE comments for each entry.
1. Go to and shop around. Leave a comment telling me what product you're most likely to use.
2. Anyone that commented on THIS post gets a bonus entry for supporting me. Thankyou.(please leave a separate comment here reminding me you did so)
3. Follow Road ID on Twitter HERE.
4. Leave a comment telling me how YOU stay safe when running/walking/cycling alone.
5. What's your favorite venison recipe?*
6.Spread the word:
-post this giveaway on your blog/tell a friend/facebook
-Send out this tweet:
Safety first!I just entered @TriciaRunning's @RoadID #giveaway.You should too
*I'm joking,but it still gives you an entry if you come up with any answer
(FTC Disclaimer:RoadID is offering the giftcard. I did not purchase it.However,I wear one and the review is my own)