The Connection Runners [Search results for charles]
Vegas, Random Russians and Carrot Cake
"Go buy your family dinner"
A1A 1/2 Marathon Race Recap
Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon Race Recap
Rock n Roll San Antonio 2011
Hell Run Race Recap
Everything you never wanted to know, because I'm tired
Signs of a good trail run:
Falling off a Mountain Friday (and how I married someone I just met)
Knock Me Down, But I'm Sticking Around
Rock n Roll San Antonio 2011 part 2
I may be DIFFERENT, but that doesn't make me LESS
And then I woke up
5 Things Friday
A valuable life lesson learned…from a wise stack of dirty dishes
ZOOMA Austin 1/2 Marathon Recap
"You can't lose weight by just walking"
Junk in my trunk,fried pies, and miles. YOU asked