Dirty legs

Dirt lines are better than tan lines, right? :)

Dirt aside, my favorite part of yesterdays 16 miler came courtesy of Dash. Towards the end of our run I decided to try to burn it up, get rid of any juice I had left in my legs. I didn't tell Charles (who was running beside me pushing Dash in stroller) ahead of time, I just took off. I eventually slowed and they caught up with me, and we came to the end of the run. At that point, we let Dash out to run while we walked for a cool down.
Dash ran ahead and then shouted over his shoulder, "I just CLEANED you off!!!" laughing as he went.
Charles explained to me that when I blew past him earlier he had told Dash "Your Mommy just dusted me off!" Dash asked what it meant, and Charles said basically that I ran much faster than him and left him in the dust. Of course, his 3 year old brain made a different translation, and now when he runs past us he says he "cleaned" us off. Man I love this age.
Currently thankful for: a husband that will not only slow his pace to run with me, but will also push our child for 16 miles... with only minimal complaints :)