The Connection Runners [Search results for heat]
Red Oaks Water Park Visit
Pumpkin Coconut Quinoa with Apricot Orange Tofu, PB+Banana Chocolate Chip Flax Cookies
Back-to-back 26.2's... and Dean Karnazes!
Escape to Belle Isle 10k Recap
Ten reasons my Texas Ten Miller was Terrible
Eating lighter, Blogging lighter
Week in review (6/21-6/27)
Sweat & SPF Brownies
2011 KBVCM Race Report
Bring it on, Michigan
2010-Year In Picture Review
Yep, I Cooked. I Made BBQ Chicken Rolls
Hello, Fall
Pancake Brunch-- Recreated
Hood to Coast Relay, Cankles are Sexy
Wanted: Motivation
I'm a GIANT and a Minute Rice Giveaway
Sunday's run