Wow, wow, wow. Where has this year gone? It seems like I was JUST sitting down to write a resolution post and here it is time to pick new goals. I'm taking you back for some of the high and lows from this past year. Lets start at the beginning.
My 2010 Resolution was:
While I feel like my healthy lifestyle is still in place, I'd like to work a bit more on respecting my body (and avoiding injuries) this year.
On January 5th I celebrated the one year anniversary of the day I saved my life. You can read about it HERE.
I started reaching new distances running, while training for my first half marathon.
And then I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my ankle, so I got to rock this walking cast.
I wrote a Valentine to myself HERE.
Charles ran the 1/2 marathon in February. While I spectated in the cast.
I used the time off from running to focus on strength training and get some "guns"

In March I was interviewed for an article in Canada's "Globe and Mail" (HERE)

We took a family trip to the Keys
And I returned to running

We started marathon training in the HOT Florida summer, but the views made up for the heat.
We had an AMAZING Florida summer

I got sponsored by Sony

In August we sadly said goodbye to Florida and moved to Texas

In September the Texas heat drove me to the treadmills and I reached new distances on them (16 miles!)

And we had some great runs around Austins Town Lake
I started having ITB problems. Enter the foam roller

In October Dash turned 3
On 10-10-10 Dash ran his first race, and I got an AG win

My knee gave out on me on my 20 miler and I started having doubts about the marathon. I continued foam rolling,resting, icing,massaging and finally had a steroid shot

We celebrated Halloween as super heros

November: I met some great bloggers
Interviewed Meb

And then completed a marathon, with issues, but I finished

Celebrated my 4 year anniversary

Turned 28
Had a Merry Christmas
And then somehow managed to sqeek in at the last moment to complete my mileage goal

It has been an AMAZING year full of ups and downs. I can only imagine what next year will bring. Thanks for going along for the ride with me.
Happy New Year friends!