Remember a few weeks ago when I couldn't figure out how to slow down?
Just in case you wanted an update: I still haven't quite figured it out.
But things are getting better. I'm at least coping with being a pregnant nut case now.
Or, I should say, my husband is coping. He's dealing with my insanity pretty well. If necessary, he could probably go deal with all of the political unrest in Libya after living through this past weekend with me.
A serene, apple-orchard-date photo, back in the days when I could skip through the trees and crunch on juicy apples and not be completely insane.
Let's recap the weekend. Warning: You might get the Pregnancy Crazies just from reading this post.
Friday Night: Kevin did his second of two runs that day, a 6-miler that brought his total mileage up to 10 for the day. He's still training for Chicago. I'm training to be an awesome spectator.
Meanwhile, I ran to Kohl's to return maternity pants. Should've stopped and GU'd up before hand because the customer service line at Kohl's is always so long. Even on a Friday night.
After all of the running was done, we snarfed on pizza and made progress on cleaning out LBA's future bedroom. We have a lot of crap.
Saturday: The alarm went off at 7 a.m. We never wake up that early on a Saturday.
But we had two huge items to check off of our My Holy-Crap-I-Have-To-Get-Things-Done List.
#1. Long run.
Kevin was scheduled for 18. Me: 9.
I survived, and tallied the 9 up for a new PDRWP (personal distance record while pregnant).
Kevin almost didn't. He got pretty dehydrated, and, after I drove around looking for him for 30 minutes, found him finally crouched on our front porch chugging water and OJ like a mad man.
#2. Nursery dresser.
Taking a few leftover slices of pizza with us on the road, we drove 55 minutes (yes, 55) to look at a mid-century dresser I'd pined over on Craigslist.
It was $75. It was perfect will be perfect once we strip and paint it.

After that rush of getting things done, poor Kevin only wanted one thing: to nap, or just otherwise be lazy. He won. Despite the urgings in my brain to get things done, we laid around on Saturday, watching the sixth Harry Potter movie as well as True Grit.
Kevin could've been in that movie.
Let me explain further.
Sunday: After a somewhat leisurely breakfast and morning viewing of a few episodes of The League, I managed to embark upon another whirlwind tour of the Land of Get It All Done Now.
Planned Excursions for this tour:
- Finish cleaning out the nursery room & closet
- Clean out basement closet to make room for stuff formerly found in nursery closet
- Lay carpet and hang shelves in basement closet
- List items on Craigslist for sale
- Make visits to Home Depot and IKEA
Sunday was the day that was supposed to be his rest day after running 28 miles in the two days prior; a day that could've been filled with more pizza and maybe football; a day that is precious and cherished among folk who work through the summer at an 8-5 job.
Instead, he capped off his already busy weekend completing meticulous tasks while his highly emotional pregnant wife barked orders and counted down the minutes in each hour like the world was about to end.
Not only did he finish all of said tasks - he lived to tell the tale of it all.
So move over, Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon.

That's the face of True Grit.
Clearly, my husband deserves an Academy Award of some kind. What award would you give your spouse or significant other?