The Connection Runners [Search results for video]
On the Merits of Technology (or youtube)
Scholarly Blogging
Point-Two Song of the Week: Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
Ornaments and Oatmeal Pie
ZOOMA in one word (a video)
It's All About The Want
why we run?
I'm Home! (And Famous)
Hood to Coast Relay, The Leg From Hell
VIDEO: Nuun Blogger Team Application
Can Someone Fetch Me a Thighmaster?
Our HTC Adventure in Video
Thorlo Experia Sock Giveaway
Passion has a funny way of trumping logic
My FIT-losophy: Aka "Why My Rear Doesn't Look like a Pumpkin"
The Birthing Class: A Cautionary Tale
Monday Meanderings
Greetings From Sunny MaternityLeave
PTSOTW: Lady Gaga
Point-Two Song of the Week: Kanye West