It's Friday! How was everyone's week?
Highlights of my week:
1. Running (albeit on the treadmill). The cold weather and snow got me down, but I got some good sprint workouts in which is unusual for me.
2. Cake Concert- nice to see live music and explore a new venue.
3. Glee. It's the highlight of every week :-)
4. Energy Bars- they are so good. Make me smile with every bite.
Today I changed up my workout:

Can you spot my new Xmas ornament?

It's Personal Training With Jackie- Power Circuits!
One of my go-to full body workouts, this video hits all the major muscle groups in three 12 minute sequences- quads, glutes, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulders, upper+lower abs, and obliques. Some of my favorite exercises from the video:
1. Sissy Squats- stand w/ feet hipwidth apart and heels on one set of weights. Do squats with other set of weights in hand. Works Quads.
2. UFCs- start in a squat. Drop to one knee, then the other knee, then back up one leg at a time (staying in squat). Works Quads.
3. Deadlifts: hold heavy weights in arms. Stand w/ feet hipwidth apart. Lean forwards, lower weights past knees, keeping back and legs straight. Return to standing. Repeat.Works hamstrings.
4. Squat kicks: squat, kick R leg to side; repeat squat and kick L leg. Works Glutes.
5. Arnold Press: like a standard shoulder press- press weights above head, down, rotate inward, rotate back outward, press up. Works Shoulders.
6. Tummy Tucks: Sit up w/ arms supporting upper body. Pull knees into body, then straighten legs out (keeping them off the ground). Repeat. Works lower abs.
I love this workout. And as you can see, it makes a nice christmas tree ornament (or stocking stuffer). Don't you love my faux Xmas tree?
Aaanndd- In case you were still up in the air about breakfast options, I'm here with another hearty recipe- serve these w/ Sunday brunch perhaps? I've made plenty of batches of delicious granola in the past few months. This week I decided to mix it up with a different kind of oaty goodness (using very similar ingredients): oatmeal pie bars!
Oatmeal "Pie"
(based on Mama Pea's Baked Oatmeal Squares)
With hints of oatmeal, cranberry, raisin, and maple-
This is the perfect mix of milk and oatmeal cookie goodness.
Cut into slices or squares- Ideal for breakfast on the go!

2 1/4 cups rolled oats
2 TBSP brown sugar
3 TBSP stevia baking blend
1 TBSP cane sugar
2 tsp cinnamon sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sea salt
2 TBSP flaxseed
2 TBSP chopped almonds
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/8 cup chopped pecans
1/8 cup coconut flakes
1/2 can pumpkin
1 ripe banana, mashed
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup unsweetened soy milk
Drizzle of agave
1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease a medium sized baking pan (I used a pie pan).
2. Pour wet ingredients into a small bowl and mix. Pour dry ingredients into another bowl and mix well. Pour wet into dry, mix. Empty into baking pan. and flatten w/ a spatula.
3. Bake at 350 F for 40 minutes.
4. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Once pan is cool to touch, place it in the fridge/freezer for 30 minutes. This hardens the bars and allows for safe removal from the pan!
5.Cut into pie slices or squares. Top w/ peanut butter, pumpkin butter, etc. Enjoy!
That's it for now. Have a great Friday night!