Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
So since I'm like the the only person posting a Turkey Trot recap right now, please take a good 45 minutes out of your day of indulging to read my minute-by-minute, mile-by-mile report of how my 5k went down this morning.

Just kidding. If I can give you one thing to be thankful for today, it will be a short recap so you can resume your regularly scheduled Thanksgiving eating and napping routine.
In fact, I'll even bullet point this one because A) bullet points make me feel organized, and B) bullet points just don't get enough attention these days. I will be hosting an Occupy Microsoft Word rally soon to bring awareness to this problem.
Damn. I digress. And this recap is getting too long. Here we go now.
- We ran in costume and with friends.
Kevin and I recycled our Pilgrim getups from last year, and friends Kevin and Cassie ran dressed as Mike Ditka and a flamingo, respectively.
Megan and Ryan met us early in the morning to head downtown, too. Megan wore a pretty awesome homemade Turkey Trottin' tee that was a zillion times cooler than the orange/purple tech tee we received for registering.
- Kevin and I stuck together for the duration of the race.
- Official chip time: 36:16, 11:40/mile pace.
Kevin and Cassie finished just ahead of us, and Megan and Ryan (rock stars that they are) finished in the 25 & 26 minute markers, respectively. Ryan even set a new PR!
And so, with this race in the books, I'm officially calling it quits with running until after LBA arrives and I can comfortably run a few miles again.
Time to reclaim all of those lost calories with turkey, pie, potatoes, and stuffing. Hope you all have a marvelous and tasty Turkey Day!