The Connection Runners [Search results for fun times]
NYTimes article:"How to Push Past the Pain"
3M half marathon race recap
hahahaha...Blake Wood Article
What do bats, Stevie Ray Vaughan and indecent exposure have in common?
FALL= Food, Friends, Fun!
Reflections on The First Week Back
Weekend Recap, Granola is Back!
Married To The Marathon
5 Easy Ways to (Nearly) Sabotage-Proof Your Diet
Leadville 100 Reflections
Fan-freaking-tastic Friday
New holiday tradition #2
Workin' On Our Fitness
How It All Began
My Crim 10-Mile Training Plan
Sunny and Gorgeous Friday Favorites
Martian Meteor 10k Race Recap
Nuun Winner & A Race Bib Display Tutorial
A Runner's Top Ten