Well folks- after my big wedding reveal- it's been full speed ahead with the wedding planning! Starting with---
Wedding dresses!
To be honest, I loved the dress I got married in last year, but the thing I was most looking forward to about the forthcoming wedding is getting to wear the princess dress :). Thursday I went to browse and try on some options...

I had sooooo much fun trying on dresses and got great ideas. More on that in a little bit..
Friday the hubs and I decided to investigate one of the venues we were considering for the wedding-the Gateway Clipper. The Clipper is a boat cruise that travels the three rivers of Pittsburgh and is great for site-seeing and entertainment.
Our table-we lucked out and got one to ourselves!
View from the bottom deck
Hello there Pittsburgh!
Yeah, this is embarrassing. There was no way my hair was cooperating!
The view from land- Station Square. Dress from TJ Maxx--19.99. That's how I roll :).
Overall, the Gateway Clipper is a really unique way to see Pittsburgh- however the hubs and I found too many reasons to not have our wedding on the boat. I'd still recommend giving it a whirl if you're in Pittsburgh!
Saturday we headed to central PA for a family wedding.
The in-laws
Dress from Marshall's- 19.99

It was really fun to catch up with hubby's family and enjoy good music and food!
Sunday it was down to business---I went with my MOH to pick out my final wedding dress at David's Bridal. I had a wonderful saleswoman who spent a ton of time putting me in and out of dresses and helping with accessories. And... .surprise!! I bought one :) :). I won't reveal which one I got, cuz hubby's been peeking through my things trying to figure it out. You'll have to wait and see!
In other news- we have tentative wedding colors!

Coral, yellow, and teal. Thoughts??
And in other unrelated (but super exciting) news--Batman (The Dark Knight Also Rises) is filming in little ol' Pittsburgh and we were able to catch a glimpse of filming on Sunday.

The Batmobile!! It was so exciting to watch them filming I could hardly contain myself. My friend Gillian actually met Anne Hathaway in Starbucks last week (are you dying with jealousy or what??). Tweet here @_GBean and tell her how much you envy her ;).
Well that's it for now--here's to another super busy month!
Which dress is your favorite? What are your picks for wedding colors?