The Connection Runners


Today was one of those wake up early, work, run days. But it was also a special, once every-2-months kind of day--the monster 2 hour long grocery store trip with the hubs. You see, my husband goes grocery shopping once in a blue moon. The only thing that will get his butt to a grocery store is the thought of running out of Giant Eagle's "foodperks"- which accumulate over the month and allow you to save up to 20% on a grocery spree. So he starves himself doesn't eat much at the end of the month until the day the foodperks are about to expire (31st of the month)- then goes on a massive shopping trip to stock up on faux sausage and chips essentials.
1. I get to come along and get my own food.
2. He pays.
3. I get to come along and get my own food.

1. It takes 2 hours (or more).
2. The cashier always get pissed when we roll up with 2 carts full of food and a pile of ragged coupons (he clips them!).
3. We always go after I've sweated it out at the gym- and the supermarket is freezing.

The outcome is always overwhelmingly awesome, and showcases my husbands wonderful organizing talent:

I just liked this because it's the size of my head!

Liquid crack. Game over. (I did not pick this out- I think hubby tried to make up for the fact it took 2 hours..)

Replenished the bar stash

I'm happy to report the husband got a ton of healthy stuff for himself. I'm so proud :-)

That's all. It's wayyy passed my bedtime. TGIF..