::Whooooaaaa we're (over) halfway there
Whooooaaa livin' on a prayer::
Thanks, Bon Jovi. Your 80's hits never cease to amaze and inspire me to pump my fist and have another round of delicious, cold, drafty beer water.
But it's true. We're over halfway to 40 weeks, and I'm starting to feel anxious about meeting LBA in 16 (give or take a week) weeks. Yeah, I know - me, anxious? Ha.
Sorry about the hideousness of myself in this photo; I've got post-run hair going on after running with Megan and Erika today - but more on that in a sec.
Here are some Bump Details:
Feeling: Mostly good still. I'm a bit more tired now that I've officially gone back to work, but that happens whether I'm pregnant or not. High school kids wear me out.
If you've been reading the last few days/weeks, I've hit some rough patches with running and felt the pressures with just about everything, but I'm getting through it. Today and yesterday were great - the weather and my mood allowed me to run 3 miles both days.
The plan is to keep on keepin' until my body tells me no!
Weight Gain: This month I ate and unexercised my way to a 5-pound weight gain. Score! To be expected, though. I only gained 2 pounds last month, so I was waiting for a nice, healthy tip of the scale.
Total gained so far: 15 pounds.
Food Talk: LBA loves everything, so I obligingly eat everything in sight. While I've still been downing a good share of junk food (hello Double Decker Taco I just ate for dinner), my daily meals have been really healthy.
Breakfast lunch is at 10:15 this year since our department has the first of 3 lunches at work. Because of that, I've spread my meals out a bit more, eating two small lunches and a snack before dinner to stay satisfied throughout my busy workdays.
A typical day of eats:
Breakfast: Bagel or two whole wheat waffles and a piece of fruit; hot tea
Lunch 1: Romaine salad w/ carrots, cukes, shredded cheese, dressing; small sandwich or a bar (Larabar or Luna protein); fruit; Nuun water!
Lunch 2: Greek yogurt and crackers or another protein/carby snack
Dinner: Whatever's quick: spaghetti, pancakes & bacon, soup/sandwiches
Nighttime snack: pounds of peanut butter M&Ms
Other Tidbits:
1) Shower planning has officially commenced. Nana Judi (my mom) is throwing one at the end of October, and Grandma Lois (Kevin's mom) is hosting another in mid-November. In the meantime, we're keeping our registry updated.
2) There's a birthing class on our schedule for November 12. The question is: are we prepared to get into the nitty gritty labor and delivery details? If I'm not nervous now, I sure as hell will be that day.
Holy belly!
It's extra big today because after we ran 3 miles, Megan, Erika (& Julia), and I headed to Yogurtpalooza for a froyo treat.

Give three runners and a baby runner-to-be a bunch of self-serve yogurt and about 1,001 topping choices, and they'll surely take advantage of it.
My cup was full of chocolate, cake batter, and pistachio froyo with brownie bites, cookie dough balls, and PB cup crumbles. Yum! So glad ice cream has made a valiant return to my diet.

Off to finish watching Thursday night comedy premieres on NBC. I heart Ron Swanson.
Want to catch up? Check out the last few BumpWatch reports:
Week 20
Week 15
Week 10.5
Good night!