Happy Wednesday!
I kind of like Wednesdays since they're a nice little halfway marker for the week. And because they start with a W. I like W's.
Since I'm attempting to break out of the funk I've been in lately, I thought it was an appropriate time to do some updating to the blog that I've had on my to-do list for a bit for months and months.
Music used to be a big(ger) part of this blog, but I've let those posts stall out like an old Dodge Pinto lately. Today I'm pulling that dusty old car feature out of the garage blog dumpster; you can now find today's and any future music-related posts on the Point-Two Playlist page.
The songs you'll find on these playlists are mainly for running and/or fitness purposes; however, I like to throw out once in a while a good set of random stuff that I like just to like. Enjoy!

The Inaugural Point-Two Playlist: Stuck In Your Head Songs
For the page's first real post, I put together a playlist of recently (?) popular songs that, try as hard as I might, I can't seem to get out of my head. I'm not real good at keeping up on the "pop" music that the kids listen to these days, so this is my probably tragic attempt to do so.
Lady Gaga - "Hair"
Nicki Minaj - "Super Bass"
LMFAO - "Yes"
Diddy & Skylar Gray - "Coming Home"
Taylor Swift - "Story of Us"
What songs are stuck in your head right now?