The Connection Runners

Challenging Myself

I find I do pretty well if I give myself a "goal" to focus on. Obviously, right now my main goal is training for Rock N Roll San Antonio. I'm doing pretty well with my training, but I'm starting to put a lot more thought into how I can be a better runner.

Turns out, it takes more than just throwing on a pair of shoes and heading out the door. Two other areas I'm going to focus on is core work and nutrition.

I have joined Jamooshs Hard CORE Club. I will be completing my core exercises on Sun/Tues/Thurs. While I have no expectations to come out of it with killer abs, I am hoping it will make me an stronger runner.

The other thing I'm putting more thought into is nutrition. I feel like I eat pretty well, but for a long time I've eaten simply to maintain my weight loss. I now feel like I need to eat to "fuel" instead.

I'm going to pick up a few books as well and browse around online, but I'm interested to hear what YOU have to say.

  • Do you pay attention to your nutrient breakdown (carbs/protein/fat/etc)?
  • What works best for you?
  • What resources (websites/books) have you found helpful?
  • What are your favorite healthy recipes? Please email them to me, or share a link.