Anyone notice the lack of content lately? I'm still visiting family in Texas. We have been super busy over the last week and I just haven't had the time to post like usual.
Wanna see what we've been up to?
We went camping over the weekend. I use the term "camping" rather loosely. There weren't any tents, no one slept under the stars, we didn't wipe our behinds with leaves or anything else remotely rustic. However, there was a campfire involved and while the RV did have a kitchen,restroom and a tv, it DIDN'T have internet. Surely that counts as "roughing it"? :)
(My son roasting a marshmallow and then enjoying his S'more)
We spent Monday at the rodeo.
My kiddo petting a goat and trying to win a fish.
And... ..he ended up with a fish. How am I supposed to fly that back to Florida?
The Austin Zoo is unlike any zoo I have been to before. Its a private, non-profit zoo that focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating animals. It's set in the beautiful hill country. It was such a nice change from the commercialism of other zoos. Here are some pics from our day.
I thought these guys were too cute!
UMMMMM... ... random giant rooster:
We've had a super busy, but great week. And somewhere packed into all of that I went to my first physical therapy session. I'm released to walk/cycle/swim and use the elliptical. Running is so close I can almost taste it!
Ok in Moderation:
Oh... .and I saw this guy at the zoo and it reminded me of my food philosophy. The majority of what he is eating is fresh veggies and grains("good") but he has a little dry dog food thrown in ("bad").
I try to eat mostly "good" food, but don't stress a small amount of indulgences (hello pizza).
Do you follow the tortoise food philosophy?
Don't forget to enter my Thorlo Experia Sock giveaway.