I typically only blog when I have something specific to talk about, or I have a giveaway to post. Today I have a few things on my mind, but they're all pretty random.
First off, have you seen the March cover of Runner's World? The lovely Kara Goucher is on the front.

Well, my husband and son checked the mail last night and I had gotten my copy in. My 2 year old son came running in super excited pointing at the cover and saying,
"Mommy, this looks like you. Mommy, this looks like you."
Out of the mouths of babes, right? Don't they always say children are the most honest people? While the cover model and I have similar color hair, I prefer to think my son was referring to the resemblance in our abs. I mean... hers are rockin' and all, but in all honesty I'm thinking mine are just a little better.
Don't believe me?
I knew I had smart readers. :)
Either way, it was the most lovely compliment I've received so far.
I'm sure you've noticed an increase in giveaways on my blog. I hadn't made the official announcement, but awhile back I started contacting companies trying to get together a giveaway for my one year of healthy living anniversary which was this month. I wanted it to celebrate that milestone as well as thank my readers for their support along the way. I had an overwhelmingly positive response from companies and instead of one giveaway to celebrate, I have lined up about two months worth of weekly (and sometimes twice weekly) giveaways.
Right now the weekly giveaways as well as the previous week winners will be announced on Wednesday. It will be a great mid-week pick me up for me and anyone wanting to enter. I also think it will help these 6 weeks on the sidelines go by faster for me.
And as a heads up, starting tomorrow and running for the next 5 weeks I have a fun weekend giveaway series that will be running. Check back tomorrow for a Sassy Saturday giveaway!
Don't forget to enter the Nathan Hydration Belt giveaway.
I mentioned in a previous post that when I first found out I couldn't run/walk/swim/cycle for 6 weeks I was worried I would gain weight. Well, that worry quickly went away as I rededicated myself to finding new ways to work out.
I stopped trying to lose weight a month or so ago. I simply decided to commit myself to fitness and lifestyle goals with the assumption that weight loss would follow if needed. Well, this past week I have focused on strength training and eating right and somehow 3 pounds have come off in a week, bringing my total weight loss to 122 pounds. I now weigh 156!(I'm 5'8") Guess all those new muscles I'm building are burning the calories.
And did I mention that I can already see a tiny bit more definition in my arms? Score! (And I know I haven't posted my strength training plan yet, I'll work on getting it down in writing this weekend.)
While I'm no longer running this,(unless a miracle happens)my husband Charles will still be running the 1/2 marathon. It will be his first 1/2 marathon and I'm super excited (aka slightly jealous). The race is Feb. 21st in Ft. Lauderdale. I'll be cheering from the sidelines. Are there any fellow bloggers out there running this race? I'd love to meet up and cheer you on too.
Hope everyone has a good weekend, and don't forget to check in tomorrow for a Sassy Saturday giveaway!
Whats the best compliment you have received?
Do you think so many giveaways are a good thing, or are you strange and don't like free stuff? :)
Has strength training helped you lose weight?