The Connection Runners

Adios Texas

We had a great group of ladies come out for our ZOOMA Austin training group Saturday morning. We met at a local womens athletic wear store, BettySport. After a quick group shot we headed out to run Town Lake.

The group split up, with some running 3 miles, 5 miles, and then I led the group running 10 miles. It was pretty humid and we got rained on for most of the run, but we still ended it with a smile on our faces. :) Unfortunately, my IT band started complaining towards the end of the run. I plan on doubling up my efforts at stretching and foam rolling and continue with the hip and glut exercises I've been doing.

I'm really enjoying my position as a ZOOMA Ambassador, it's been a lot of fun meeting new people and seeing the ladies get excited over reaching new goals.

I'm sad I'll be missing this weekends group run, but like I talked about on Friday, we are heading to Virginia. Charles' mother is in the hospital, so we are going to spend time with her. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. This is what our drive looks like.

Fun, right? In between visiting his family, I'll be squeezing in some runs. That part of Virginia is gorgeous and the weather is going to be in the mid 50's next week. Perfect!

I'm not sure how much I'll be around this week, but you can always catch me on Twitter HERE. With 24 hours in a truck ahead of me, I'm sure I'll have lots to say on there. :)