My mom and my husband were just talking yesterday about how I tend to get bored easily and how it seems Charlotte inherited the same trait.
It's true. I love certain things (TV shows, a pair of jeans, various cereals, a car) insatiably for about 8.5 minutes before moving onto something new and different.
Exceptions: My family, Baxter, sleeping in, aviator sunglasses.
A possible fifth exception? Best Body Bootcamp. Albeit considerably more difficult to stay motivated after a great Week 1, I'm happy to say Week 2 went very well.
Week 2 Workouts
Monday: Off
Tuesday: workout A + 20 min walk
Wednesday: 3 mi run (10:15 pace) + 30 min walk
Thursday: 90 min walk
Friday: workout B + 35 min walk
Saturday: Off
Sunday: ShamRock & Roll 5k (9:10 pace)
Whoa! A March run in shorts. Weird. Waiting for Rod Serling to tap me on the shoulder and give me some creepy monologue about how we're now in The Twilight Zone.
I fell a hair short this week in meeting my fruit/vegetable and water goal, going 5/7 on the produce side, but only hitting 4/7 days of H20. (Note: The BBC challenge counts meeting one of your side goals 5 of 7 days as a success.)
As I said last week, the water thing has been tough because it's so damn boring. However, I realized that I'll drink more of it if it's ice cold vs. room temp; I also need to start drinking more water earlier in the day, something I tend to do more when I'm at work because I talk so much.
So there's one benefit of going back to work. (#littlethings)
Week 2 Focus: Fitting It All In
Last week, over on the BBC Facebook page, there'd been some discussion about how to manage workouts while taking care of children.
This was something I'd feared big time as I anticipated getting back into a fitness routine. Charlotte more or less sucked all of the energy out of me (literally), and in attempting to keep her alive, keep the house neat, keep my belly full, and keep my body cleaned, I had no idea how I'd effectively juggle it all.
Then, the magic fitness fairies flew in to my ear one night and whispered the secret to me.
They said: "The secret is that there is no secret to fitting it all in. If you truly want to do something, you'll find the time."
Bitches. I wanted a Staples Easy Button. I wanted fun. I wanted 14 extra hours in a day. Alas, those fairies brought me nothing but the cold, hard truth.
But, it turns out, they're right. The only reason I've found success so far is due to carving out time in the day to do so.
Here's what I do:
- Jot down my weekly workout plans and goals on Sunday night. I use the Stickies program on my Mac:

- Schedule my workouts. Kevin knows that I want to get back in shape, so he makes it a point each day to ask about my plans. If I need some time at night for a run or gym sessions, he makes sure to get home early so he can watch the babe while I head out. If I'm just doing a weights routine, I do that at home in my basement while Charlotte naps in her swing.
- Remain flexible. I used to be adamant about when I worked out. Now I realize that any time is a good time. If that means running at 9 a.m. on a Saturday or talking Charlotte for a walk at 5:30 p.m. on a Tuesday, it's all good.
- When I can, incorporate Charlotte duties in with my fitness duties. We power walk the neighborhood, and she checks out the 100-year-old trees while I sweat.
- Understand that this is what works for now. When I return to work in 3 weeks, I'll have to change this up again and be okay with that.
Charlotte's workout? Holding up those cheeks. They are heavy.
Wish I had a better secret for you, but I don't. I also realize that not everyone has the same life I do. Jobs, kids, relationships, houses, hobbies - we've all got our own mix, and we all have to do what works for us.
Maybe you've got some secrets that I don't. So tell me...
-How do you fit your workouts in every week?