Well I made it! Night shift is taxing, I don't think I've ever felt so tired in my life. But I also learned a lot, and I'm ready to take on day shift the next couple of weeks.

Another thing I tackled? Applying to residency! I submitted my application today, and as nerve wracking as it is, it's out of my hands now. Weight off my shoulders :-).
The thing about nights is my eating habits are all out of whack, and I had to pick sleep vs. exercise---and sleep won. It's time to get back into healthy habits, as the work I'm doing this month is very similar to what I'll be doing in residency. I'm still debating about the Great Race again this year, it's in 3 weeks so I'm hoping I can get it together ASAP! Rainy weather is not helping though...
Cross your fingers for me, big things are coming!