Hey! I went to work today. I repeated my Opening-Day Schpeal four times right in a row. I think I almost popped a blood vessel from saying so many things so many times. I apologize in advance if this post is all mumbo-jumbo-ey.
(Coincidentally, mumbo-jumbo is a term I use quite often in my first-day-of-school speech. As in, "Be on time, bring a pencil; you know, all of that mumbo-jumbo. The kids probably think I'm 87 years old, not 27 as I claim to be.)
A few weeks ago, I read a post on Katie's blog where she outlined all of the races she'd love to run someday.
"How cool," I thought. "I need to make like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman and get me one of those bucket lists."

(Except I'm not terminally ill, thank God. Nor do have the most velveteen voice, like Morgan, nor a sweet hairline, a la Jack. Let's face it. Even when they're portraying men facing death, both of these guys are hardcore Bad Asses.)
In addition to wanting to feel one with Jack and Morgan, I also like making lists, plans, and goals. It's what being Type A is all about.
So here's my Running Bucket List (in no particular order):
#1. Qualify for and run The Boston Marathon

The mother of all Marathons. The Holy Grail, if you will. Qualifying for Boston is tough (in fact, qualifying times were lowered earlier this year), but at some point in my life, I want to bust my butt, nab an entry, and rub sweaty elbows with the likes of Kara, Ryan, Meb, and other cool people that will still beat my time by at least an hour.
#2. Run some splits on Hayward Field in Oregon.

Hayward is one of most famous track-and-field stadiums. It has seen the likes of big name runners (ahem... Steve Prefontaine, anyone?) and hosts the Prefontaine Classic each year, when world-class runners come to duke it out in traditional events. Since my invite to the Classic gets lost every year I'll never be invited to the Classic, I'd at least love to run a few laps on the storied track.
#3. Run a relay.

Hood to Coast and the Great Lakes Relay are just two of the several relay events taking place each year. From what I know of such events, runners basically hang out in a van, eat, don't shower, and pee on the sides of the road. Oh, and there's also running, camaraderie, and the thrill of completing hundreds of miles on foot with an awesome team. Sign me up!
#4. Complete the Dipsea Trail Race.

The Dipsea is the oldest trail race in the U.S. and notoriously hard to get into. I'm no trail runner, but I'd love to tackle this 7.4-mile race comprised of running through stairs, across creeks, and through secret short cuts (that I probably won't know about).
#5. Take LBA on a real race in the running stroller.
Though LBA's already won the Fetus Age Group in several races (the Kalamazoo Marathon, Belle Isle 10k, and the Crim 10-Miler), I think she might appreciate trying her hand (or feet?) out at a race outside of my belly. I'm thinking a local and family friendly 5k or 10k might be a good starting point, but it'd be really awesome to one day run a longer distance with her.
Who knows? Maybe she'll even be a crazy runner like her momma and daddy.
What's on your Running Bucket List? (cue John Mayer's "Say" as you ponder that question... )