I chose the adjective "adamant" for this month's alliterative title because it means to be unbreakable or unyielding in nature.
I'm not sure if there's a better word to describe the last 31 days of my life. I mean, seriously. What's more adamant than a pregnant woman training for a 10-mile race or preparing an office to be turned into a nursery or staving off cravings for copious amounts of comfort food all in the heat of late summer?
If I wasn't stubborn enough before LBA came along, I sure as hell am now.
So let's dig into the deets, shall we?
Running Recap
Miles Run: 65, my highest total since April.
Longest Run: The Crim 10-Mile Race which was coincidentally 10 miles. They weren't just BSing the race's title, it turns out.
Races: See above!
Running Moment of the Month: While I was ecstatic to maintain a 10:03 pace at the Crim, it was really exciting to even be able to complete my 4-week training program beforehand. I never thought I'd be training for a race in the second trimester of pregnancy.
RoadAgainMegan IRL
At Work: I'm back to work as of this week, so hopefully there will be something to talk about in this category next month!
At Home: Kevin and I have been meticulously planning for LBA's arrival. Here are a few super important LBA-related posts:
- NurseryWatch #1: the first of a series of posts with plans and inspiration for the nursery
- Making Gender Predictions: old wives' tales and reader submitted LBA predictions
- The Big Reveal: is LBA a he or a she? We had a little cupcake party to reveal the gender to our families (and eventually, the Blog World)
Good Reading: Oh my. I got reckless with blog reading this summer. Even though I added about a billion and a half new blogs to the Greader, a few still hold my heart tighter than Jack Dawson's dead body clung to that piece of door in Titanic:
- Eat, Watch, Run: I've read Paula's blog for awhile now, but I still read all of her posts with a ferocity every day. Then I try not to poop myself while reading her stuff because I'm usually giggling so hard.
- The Heir to Blair: Witty and sometimes snarky, but always overwhelmingly powerful tales of mommahood from a Southern gal pen-named Blair (a.k.a, Beth Anne). Even if you don't have kidlets, you'll appreciate the voice and emotion from this blogger.
On the Road Again... Again: This month was all sort of crazy, and I got to overshare it all with you right here on the Interwebz.
Relive with me these posts:
- A Wee Little Problem (TMI warning)
- Roughin' It (rustic camping while 17 weeks pregnant)
- 26.2 Miles vs. 40 Weeks (pregnancy vs. marathon training)
- So You Want to Start Running? (tips for newbie runners)
Another Shameless Plug: Come be my homie on the Facebook. You know you want to "like" the blogger with the Crazy Catz towel.
September Goals
1. Register for at least two short fall races. There's the Wicked 5k or 10k that I want to do with Megan and Erika and my family. Another option is AppleFest 5k or 10k in Fenton (where Kevin's from) in a few weekends.
2. Maintain my pregnancy running plan. I'll run 4 days a week (after this week of laziness) until my body tells me NO.
3. Arrange a Michigan Bloggers Meet-up! Megan and I postponed the August one because of other commitments, but we need to schedule a new date to meet all of the fab running & health bloggers in person. Details coming... soon!
4. Eat massive amounts of cider mill doughnuts and drink apple cider like it's going out of style.

As always, thank you, dear Interwebz Friends, for joining me On the Road this month.
Talk It Out: Share something from your August.
-Did you set a new PR, run a great race, or learn a lesson in running?
-What are your September goals?
-Do you love cider + donuts like I do?