Its RACE week!
I fly out Thursday to run Hood to Coast with Team Nuun. I feel so blessed to be running on a Nuun sponsored team and am looking forward to meeting all the other ladies that were selected. My bag is packed and Wednesday I'll be sharing what's inside it.
While I have done a few "3 in 24hrs", and those crazy hill repeats, most of my training is still geared towards Rock n Roll San Antonio full in November. This past Friday I killed a speedy 6miler, and then on Sunday I joined the lovely ladies from "Cheetas in Training" for an easy 13 mile run on the Town Lake Trail. My IT bands are still happy and I'm feeling confident going into this 200 mile relay.
I'm not afraid of my night time leg of the relay, of meeting new people or of falling off a cliff. I AM however nervous about leaving my 3 year old. The most time I've spent away from him was one night... .and I happened to be in the same city at the time. I have an irrational fear my husband will forget to feed Dash, or they'll live off McDonalds the whole time so I've been to the store and bought easy to prepare meals. I've also set Dash up with a calendar so he can mark off each day and see when I'm coming home. I'm sure I'll leave Charles with a long list of instructions that he'll never read, rationally I know none of the above is necessary but somehow it makes me feel better to be overly prepared.
As much as I'm nervous about leaving him, I think this is a great way to test the waters. He'll be 4 in six weeks, so it's bound to happen eventually. This way, only one parent is gone, and the Daddy/Son time will be good for them. Odds are, it will be harder on me then it is on him. Luckily, I'll be so busy with all the Hood to Coast fun that I won't have time to sit around and mope about missing him. Yes, I am ridiculously attached to his smiley little face.

You can follow all the Hood to Coast fun on our team twitter account @NuunPlatuun and of course I'll be updating from my personal account too: @TriciaRunning
Want to see what all the nuun hype is about? Use promo code "nuunplatuun" to save 25% on your order at
How old were your kid(do's) the first time you were away from home?
What are YOU thankful for today?