Things are getting really exciting around here! This is a huge time for a 4th year medical student- residency applications go in very (very) soon, everyone's making long term plans and contingency plans, and we're finally over the hump of required clinical courses and can focus on the things we're most interested in. For me- that's pediatrics! It's so fun to finally be a little more "senior" to the class below me, although I'm still just the second from the bottom rung on the totem pole ;). Couple this with wedding planning and there is never a dull moment over here.
Speaking of wedding planning...

I WANT this cake.
So, this week I work the night shift- 7pm to 7am, which is crazy for me. I slept all day today, so when it was time for "breakfast" I was craving a Lean Cuisine pizza and some veggies. I've got my lunchbox chock full of snacks (kashi bars, zone bars, fruit leather, chobani, apples) because who knows what I'll be craving at midnight? I was able to get a run in today before I head off to my shift but I'm not sure how the rest of the week will treat me. I've noticed that my running mileage has dropped off a lot in the past 2 months and I'd love to get it back up to prepare for the Baltimore Half. This month will likely be my busiest so hopefully I can stick to my guns about exercise. There's a lot of sacrifice going on around here, but I'm hoping it will be worth it very soon.
Anyone else work the night shift before?
Tell me your night shift stories!