Happy Friday! Another warm July weekend is upon us; can you believe we're halfway to August already? (August means I have to go back to work soon. Blech.)
But let's not dwell on that. Today has been a mish-mashy kind of day, so you get to read a mish-mashy kind of post!
Up first: I like to be a big AW, so in case you missed me being a cool runner on Run, Jodi, Run yesterday, head on over and check it out!
Today is a rest day, so I'll briefly entertain you by talking about the 3-miler I did with Megan yesterday. We ran nice and slow (I actually had to stop and take a walk break at 2.5 miles) and chatted about books, the upcoming blogger meetup we're planning (see below for deets), and tried to remain obscure while taking goofy pics.
We also talked about upcoming races for this weekend. I set out on a test-drive long run on Wednesday in anticipation of doing the Fenton Bastille Day 15k this weekend, but Kevin isn't really feeling a long race right now.
He's been training for Chicago and got hurt while playing in a work soccer league recently, so he's not wanting to do much right now. However, Megan and her RunningFamily are doing a local 5/10k race tomorrow; I'm thinking a 10k might be pretty cool instead.
I may actually have a real live race recap to do this weekend... yippee!
In other running news, many of you expressed interest in a Michigan Runner/Foodie/Fitness Guru Blogger Meet-up. Megan and I talked it over - here's what we came up with:
- Weekend of August 12,13,14
- Either Friday night or anytime Saturday/Sunday
- Potential Location: Buddy's Pizza in Livonia, a place we thought to be most centrally located for interested bloggers coming from Toledo, Ann Arbor/Dexter, Troy/Rochester, and maybe Kalamazoo!
Last but not least, it's time for a little Friday Favorites. I haven't done a FF post since June, and today's already a jambalaya of a post, so why not add in some more fun? Here's an abbreviated list of what I'm hearting this week:
- Harry Potter. Since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 opened today, I gotta show some love for the boy wizard. Although I'm not going to see the film (yet!), I've been obsessed with reading the series since I took home the first book from my classroom. Today, I
venturedcreeped my way into the children's bookstacks to pick up Book 5 after being throughly mesmerized by Book 4 (Goblet of Fire).
- Pinterest. It's the coolest site ever. You'll waste hours and hours on the Interwebz (as if we all didn't already). How I explained it to my (non-social-media-loving husband): "It's like bookmarking things you adore, only there are pictures. And you can follow others. And repin their stuff. And categorize it all." (He gave me a fat old blank stare). He doesn't get it, but you might. Just go to there.

- Blogs to Follow. Since going to the Detroit Bloggers Meet-up & Launch on Monday, I've been inspired to load up my Greader will all sorts of bloggy goodness. Here are a few new ones I've been reading lately:
- Mrs. Weber's Neighborhood: Lauren, formerly of the PR biz, shares her life as a young Detroit momma.
- Sweat Once a Day: Want some inspiration to tackle an Ironman? Check out Emily's blog as she prepares to take on IM Lake Placid in less than two weeks!
- Breath of Sunshine: Kristy is a fellow pregnant running soon-to-be (second time) mama. Love it!
What are you loving about this week?