Today's Workout: I'm going for a walk after dinner. I promise.
The other day, I got the chance to view something that I've been waiting to see for a long time: Kalamazoo Marathon race photos.
One of the best parts about finishing a race has to be the race photos.
It's the best way to relive the race, in my humble average opinion.
Sometimes, you look pretty good. Nice form, okay face, outfit isn't drenched in sweat - yet.

Sometimes, you look really, really tired as you make a hairpin turn during Mile 25.

Sometimes, you have just enough energy in you as you spot the camera guy and make a horrendously silly "Look at me, I'm running a marathon!" face.

But you always have time for a fist pump at the finish line to celebrate the end of a journey.

And, even after every one of those 26.2 miles are done, and your face still shows some of the pain you're feeling, like this:

You're just so damn excited to have This.
And since we're always trying to answer the question of What Makes a Runner, here's another reason for you:
I'm a Runner Because... I know that race photos are the best photos in the world.