The Connection Runners

Snap Out of It

Since this rotation started, I've been off my game.

My runs are just so-so, my legs feel like lead half the time, I'm cranky, my eats are all out of whack.

I feel like I need Cher in my life (never thought I'd ever say that!) to put me in my place:

"Snap out of it!"

I've got big plans for my life, and the attitude needs a little tweakage.

It's really easy to lose sight of the big picture when you're so wrapped up in the crapitude of the present.

Gotta see that forest for the trees (at least that's what attendings tell you when morale is low).

But you know what?

Starting today I'm going to try and re-institute the "one happy thing rule."

I'm here, I'm healthy, I'm livin', I've got a great family and husband, I'm at one of the best med schools in the nation, and I'm gonna be a (something else I never thought I'd say) MD.

Ok that's a lot of happy things. But it's better than no happy things, right?

What do you fall back on when you need a morale boost? What are your happy things?