The Connection Runners

Just Another Manic...

Oh Mondays.

T'was a long one. Waiting around to admit a patient is a whole lot of pretending like you're really busy- then when you finally get a patient it's a rapid scramble to get the info, collect your thoughts, make it sound decent, and think (hard!) in a reasonable amount of time.

Rewarding, yes.

Exhausting- um heck yes.

So, back to that juice from last night- I know you were waiting with baited breath ;-)
My Darling Clementine
Delicious clementines meet cukes, spinach, carrots, and fuji apple.
Extra refreshing and healthy. Awesome when you're short on time
and would rather not sit and eat all your fruits and veggies in one sitting...

2 clementines, peeled/separated
1 fuji apple, cored and chopped
2 large carrots, washed and chopped
1.5 cups spinach
1 baby cucumber
squeeze lemon juice

1. Peel oranges, core/chop apples, wash and chop carrots.
2. Feed pieces of fruit/veggies into the juicer. My order- clementines, the alternating balls of spinach with carrots, then cucumber, then apple.
3. Squeeze in lemon juice (helps it last longer). Serve immediately- It's freshest that way!
4. Get those nutrients! Makes ~ 1.5 cups of juice.

Cucumber was the predominant flavor in this juice for me, with a hint of orange and apple. I haven't experimented with spices yet (ginger, etc)- but I'm open to suggestions.
P.S- I hate beets so that suggestion's out :-)

Today's Workout: I got home late and sped to the gym to run 4 miles on the treadmill. Did the following:
Mile 0-0.4 7.0 mph
Mile 0.4-0.5 8.5 mph
Mile 0.5-0.80 7.5 mph
Mile 0.8-1 9.0-9.5 mph
Repeat x 4
Time 32:50 Avg Pace: 8:13 min mile

This is kind of my standard quick intervals workout. Maybe I need to mix it up, but for now this definitely gets my heart pumping!

Today's snacking: brought clementines, fuji apples, coconuts n' seeds bars, and a Zone Bar with me for my hospital stint. Also filled up with ice water and green tea :-)

Today's happy thing: Made an appointment to meet with the chairman of the peds residency @ our peds hospital. EXCITED. (Did I mention I want to go into Peds!?)

P.S. Thanks for the compliments on my dress this weekend! I tried on about 10 dresses and this was the one I thought I'd like the least. I was wrong ;-)
(And thanks Katy for the Stylish Blogger Award- I promise I'll go through the acceptance stuff soon :-))

Nighty Night!