Between talking about a million trips to Santa, my birthday and the Ultimate Stocking Stuffer Giveaway, I neglected to talk about something embarrassing fun that happened last week.
Channeling our inner Teeny Bopper:
Friday night, after our first (of many) trips to see Santa, my sister and I attended something... a little embarrassing. In fact, to protect her reputation, my sister had mandated that I edit her out of any of the evidence pictures.

Yes, yes, I know you're jealous of my mad photo editing skills.
My mother has recently discovered the Twilight series. She has read all the books, watched the movies and quite possibly sleeps in a "Team Jacob" shirt every night. (<--that's not actually true, but she DOES giggle like a school girl every time Jacob is shirtless, which is pretty much the entire series)

Ok, now that you've drooled all over your keyboard, we can resume our story.
When Eclipse (which is the 3rd book/dvd for those of us living under a rock) came out on dvd our local HEB Plus store had a "dvd release party". It was held between 10pm-12:01am Friday night. After some "Eclipse related festivities" the dvd would be released at 12:01am. Thinking my mother would enjoy hanging out with other Twilight fanatics (Twi-hards) we decided to go.
My mother must have started drinking wine celebrating early, because she wasn't able to go due to a headache. My sister and I thought about bowing out too, but decided we didn't have anything else going on and it may be worth a laugh.
10pm:Arrive at HEB Plus, scope out other people heading into the store, try to decide if they are Twi-hards or just hard up for groceries.
10:15pm: Decide to head into the store, but pretend we're actually there for groceries, not the Eclipse cake.
10:30pm: Turns out that wasn't a joke. There was ACTUALLY an Eclipse cake.

10:31pm: snap picture of cake with phone, all the while pretending we're lost and can't find the milk aisle
10:32pm: give up on the grocery shopping facade and get a "ticket" to be entered into the raffle.
10:35pm: Notice we seem to have missed the memo. We aren't wearing ANY Twilight gear, oh and we've yet to pick a team. (jacob or edward)
10:45-11:00pm: Ease-drop on the Twi-hards conversations, trying to pick up any trivia on the off chance it is needed sometime during the night.
11:00pm: They start to draw numbers for prizes.
11:01pm: Realize we are TERRIFIED we will win an Eclipse poster. What would we do with it??
11:02pm: Several people on Twitter offer to take said poster off my hands should I win it.
11:15pm: Watch a chick fight. Girls on each end of a cardboard cutout of Jacob, pulling with all their might.
11:30pm: Give in to the spirit of the night and thoroughly embarrass myself by taking pictures next to the dvd display.

11:45pm-12am: People are chanting "Jacob,Jacob,Jacob" and "Edward,Edward,Edward". My sister and I start to slowly back away from the crazies.
12:01am: The dvd is officially "released" and the crowd starts to cheer.Literally.
12:05am: We pick up a few groceries and check out quickly, while the Twi-hards spend the next two hours waiting in line for a dvd.
12:07am: Leave the store WITHOUT an Eclipse dvd, but WITH plenty of memories.