Today, as you know, was race day. I woke up at 5 am, tired but excited. As I prepared for the morning I made myself a wheat bagel for breakfast. But what to top it with? Natural peanut butter.
(please pardon the not so good pics, keep in mind it was 5 am.)
The lovely people at Krema/Crazy Richard's had sent me some of their products for review and I was super excited to try them out at part of my pre-race meal.

I tried the Crazy Richards 100% Natural Creamy Peanut Butter. If I had to used one word to describe it I would have to say :PERFECT. I'll try not to exagerate, but I have to admit this is the best natural peanut butter I've tried. This will definitely be a staple in my pantry from now on.
Sometimes the natural peanut butters can be a bit grainy, but this one is super smooth. They can also be difficult to stir, but no problems there either. For those of you that haven't tried natural peanut butter let me tell you a little about it.
These are the ingredients: PEANUTS
No extra sugar, salt or oils.
Add it to an apple, mix in with your oatmeal, as a topping for Greek yogurt or right off the spoon! (the last of which is how I'm enjoying it as I type this.)
Ok, are you tired of hearing how much I love this product? Let me tell you where you can find it and then we'll move on to the race recap.
You can order it online CLICK HERE, or look for it at your Whole Foods. If you can't find it at your Whole Foods, just ask and they will order it for you. Go check out their site. They have have a great variety of nut butters, even a Hot & Spicy Peanut Butter which I have to say sounds delish!
It was a Jingle Bell Run and we were pushing my son in the jogging stroller, so we decked him out in reindeer antlers.
This is him, excited before the run.
This was the first year of this particular race, so I think there were some bugs that needed to be worked out. Unfortunately most of the course was on a sidewalk (crazy). While it was a pretty small race, it was pretty much impossible to maneuver yourself through a couple hundred people on a two person wide side walk. We had started a little bit back in the crowd out of courtesy to others because we were pushing the jogging stroller. In hindsight, I kind of wish we had just skipped that bit of race etiquette and lined up at the front of the start line. It took us 10:30 to run that first mile and break free of the pack. (Our first mile is usually 8 min)It was a little frustrating to be forced to go that slow, but we eventually broke free and the rest of the race went pretty well.
It was nice to run with my husband and son. We crossed the finish line together in 29:53. Considering the rough start, I'm pretty happy with that time. It's only 3 seconds faster than my last 5K, but progress is good.
And Congrats to Charles, he won first place in his age bracket. I was 5th in mine. (Which is... just so we are clear... a MUCH younger age bracket than his. Lol, had to get that dig in.)
How did you spend your Saturday? And, what's your favorite way to eat natural peanut butter?