I have some exciting news, I signed up for another 5K. I hadn't planned on doing another race until next month when the goal is to run a 10K. However, I'm still looking for a 10K in my area (I'm going to talk to the folks at the running store today and see if they know of one), but when I heard about the Jingle Bell Run on Saturday I figured, why not? Man I wish it was cold enough to run in a Santa hat!

I have a couple of review to get caught up on, so this past weekend I held a "review party". A lot of the products I was sent to review were snacks type products that I normally don't eat. It would've taken me forever to get around to trying them all so I enlisted the aid of a few friends.
First off is something that was a big hit with the kiddos.

Have you guys tried this stuff? These are puffed snacks that are baked, all natural, gluten free, and only 130 calories per bag. One of the things I liked best was the individual serving size. No chance of overindulging there! They also have 50% less fat than the average serving of potato chips. They come in lots of fun flavors, even one that is vegan friendly.

In all honesty, they weren't a huge hit with my husband. His comment was "too much air". Guess he wants a little more substance to his snacks, but I enjoyed being able to offer a healthier alternative to my son. Like I mentioned before, I don't usually keep packaged snacks like these in the house, but this is one that I might keep around for my son to enjoy occasionally. You can click here to find out where to purchase them in your area.
I was also sent cinnamon rolls from Holey Donuts. I'm not going to lie, part of me feels like a sell out for discussing these kinds of snacks with you, but please read on.
There's no good reason to eat a cinnamon roll. I can honestly say that over the past 10 months, losing 110+ pounds, I NEVER ate a cinnamon roll. But, some of you may have. That may be the thing you choose, in moderation, to indulge in. If that sounds like you, then listen up, you need to know there's a better alternative.
Holey Donuts makes "premium, low fat gourmet donuts". I have to tell you, when I hear the words "low fat" and "donuts" in the same sentence I pretty much just have to shake my head. There's no way that could taste good, right?
Well, I haven't tried their donuts, but I did try a bite of their cinnamon rolls.

Notice I said "bite" people. It was delicious. It didn't taste "low fat" at all, but I just couldn't make myself eat more. Why? Sweet breakfast foods just never really did it for me. (Read on Holey Donut people... )
BUT, my husband is now a huge fan of Holey Donuts. He does enjoy sweets in the morning, and this is a better alternative. If you compare their Reduced Fat Cinnamon Roll to the Classic Cinnamon Roll at Cinnabon they certainly come out ahead. They have 240 calories vs. the 730 calories found in your favorite mall treat. Just as impressive is the fact that they also have 19 less grams of fat! (They are shipped frozen, so you can just defrost the amount you want.)
Still sound like too many calories for you? They have come out with 100 calorie Low Fat Cinnamon Bun Middles. I like that this is a more manageable size. You can indulge your sweet tooth, but still have room for a real breakfast with some fruit and protein.
That last review got me thinking about an important part of successfully leading a healthy life: the people around you.
While you can do this on your own, it helps to be surrounded by people with the same goals. I will be honest, my husband has no desire to eat as "healthy" as I do. He is pretty content to eat what he wants, when he wants it. I think that is partly because he hasn't ever struggled with his weight, and he has always been an active person. He sees no reason to change.
I frequently have the discussion with him that just because a person isn't "fat" doesn't mean a person is "healthy". It is my mission to make our family healthy. I can't force lifestyle changes on anyone, but I can do my part to show better alternatives.
Guess who is in charge of what kind of food comes into our house? ME. I do all the grocery shopping as well as the cooking. It gives me the perfect opportunity to make healthy changes to his favorite meals. One of the first things I did was replace ground beef with lean ground turkey. We also started eating more fish and shrimp.(seafood is the only "meat" I eat)
I have also replaced processed white flours with whole grains. I have to tell you, in the beginning my husband HATED whole wheat noodles. I would make half white and half wheat for him. Slowly, the wheat took over the white and... no more complaining. :) Lately we haven't even been eating noodles, I'm on a huge spaghetti squash kick. Yum! If you haven't had it, check it out!
I've also learned to sneak veggies into everything. I'll admit, there are times where my husband and kiddo want good old mac 'n cheese, and I make it for them. But I throw in a bag of steamed veggies with the noodles. I'm lucky that my son likes veggies.
Small changes here and there have crept into our meals, and now my husband eats healthier without ever making the conscious decision himself. :)
As I mentioned previously we also started being more active as a family. In the evenings we either walk, run, or play tennis together. It's not unusual for my 2 year old son to put his shoes on after dinner and say, "Wanna go for a walk." I love that we're teaching him healthy habits.
It can certainly be a struggle getting your family members on board with being healthy, but it's definately worth all the effort!
How did you get your family on board with your healthy lifestyle?