I'd like to take a break from health and fitness and talk about what a special day it is today, Veterans Day. As I mentioned yesterday my husband Charles is Active Duty Army. He has been deployed to Iraq twice.
This picture is from his first deployment. Such a beautiful sunset amidst such turmoil.

Because we are on a special duty assignment and stationed in sunny Florida instead of on a military base, it's easy for me to forget the full implication of that uniform he puts on each day. The sacrifices of our men and women in uniform as well as their families are great.
Thank you Charles, I love you and am so proud of you for serving our country. I hope our son grows up to be a strong, courageous man just like you.

I'd like to also thank my brother in law Lane, for his service in the Navy and my Uncle Dan for his service with the Air National Guard.
Please take the time today to thank those who have sacrificed for us all.