The Connection Runners

Its Marathon Week!

Or umm... half marathon week

Race week?

Rock n Roll San Antonio is 5 days away. A week or so ago I talked about how even though I trained for the full, due to this knee injury I have made the decision to run the half. And while that's still my official decision... .I have to admit there have been little evil whispers in my head lately taunting "You trained all summer for the full, just SUCK IT UP and run the full."

And then I kindly remind those devils that I have run 4 times in the last 3 weeks... one of those times pain free, the rest still sore.

To address those of you that questioned my decision to run at all: I have been SUPER conservative the last few weeks, two weeks off total, and have a doctors ok to run the half. My knee being "sore" while running is ok and expected, pain will not be. If I experience pain that indicates further injury while on course I will simply walk to the end. No worries.

I haven't particulary been training for a speedy half, but feel confident that barring further injury I can pull out a PR. Woot!

So, onward and upward to the half!

The Plan:


I know there are tons of people that are anti-pace group, but I'm leaning that way. At the very least I plan on chatting up someone who plans on running my desired pace and maybe finding a race buddy. I've trained with a buddy (Charles) but due to the knee thing I've sent him on his merry way. I don't want to possibly hold him back from running his own race.


I train with nuun, but am unconvinced that I should run with my handheld. I kind of just want to use the on course support so I don't have to carry anything. Problem is, their sugary junk filled energy drink offered on course tears my stomach up. I'm fine while running with just water, but I regretted the last long run I did with only water. I get TERRIBLE post run headaches when I don't run with nuun. I'm guessing it's the salt? Either way, the promise of a post run headache is enough to make me want to haul my own bottle. And this commences my rambling on hydration. :) (working stuff out in my head)

That was after that long run 9 days ago where I didn't run with nuun.I was CRAMPING and head hurt so I skipped the water and popped the Nuun tab right in my mouth! Charles was errr... "kind" enough to capture the moment. Attractive,I know.

Nevermind,that picture has convinced me to drag around my handheld so I won't be without my beloved nuun. We don't need a repeat of the above.


This week I hit upon a plan. It could be crazy or it could be pure genuis.

So, you want to know WHY I've decided to run with candy corn? Well, the answer is pretty simple: I like candy corn.

After the last few weeks my stomache is ummmm... shall we say... accustomed to candy corn (hehe), it *is* "made with honey" (says right there on the package and I'm a sucker) and I've been training with honey stinger products... almost the same thing. :) And lastly, it will be "Racing Green". Oh yeah, using left over halloween candy for alternative uses? Patting myself on the back while drinking bottled water for this one. I'm going for it!


On the off chance I don't shower I can't find a friend to race with, I will have my Sony Walkman with me. In case I'm not feeling the bands on course then I'll just crank my tunes. Which of course means I need a playlist. What are your top 3 speedy running songs?

Rock n Roll Las Vegas:

The sign up list for the meetup that Jess @BlondePonytail and I are planning is HERE. I need to get a head count before emailing out details. Thanks!

(Jess-unshowered after running countless miles and living out of a van... .lets shoot for a non-crusty pic in Vegas. Love ya!)


Don't forget to enter my giveaway for $100 gift card to Active Bands. Fellows, this would make an EXCELLENT present for a lady friend. Click HERE.

What's your favorite 'outside the norm' way to fuel runs?

What are your top 3 speedy running songs?