This post has little to do with running, so if that's what you're looking for today, I apologize.
However, in case you care, I did run 3 miles very slowly yesterday. I didn't feel terrible, but I didn't feel great either. More on that later this week.
Nope, today's a day for sharing photos of LBA's nursery and the progress we Kevin made on it over the weekend/recently.
In case you care again, I didn't do much of this work because I suck at putting things together, painting, and/or lifting heavy objects.
Big Item Done #1: Painted the town red room gray
First and foremost, remember those Ecto Cooler-green walls and all of that "office" junk?
Well, Slimer's day has headed back to his box of Hi-C, and the green is gone. The walls are now a lovely gray color called Heavy Goose; the paint color was from the Martha Stewart Living collection, but we chose to use Behr Premium Plus (primer + paint in one) paint.
Homegirl may have done some time in the joint, but Martha sure knows how to pick a paint color.
Big Item Done #2: Crib is Assembled
We picked up the Baby Mod Modena 3-in-1 crib from the Mart of the Wal. While I abhorred every minute I had to sit in that store, I do love the crib with its clean, simple lines and cheap ($199) price tag.
Sometimes you have to take one for the team, and this was our contribution to WalMart's rising stock price.
Big Item Done #3: Refinished the Dresser
As you may have seen in this dresser makeover post, we cleaned up a $75 vintage Craigslist find, and moved her on into the room.
As of now, there's nothing in her drawers, but LBA already has enough clothes to take on Suri Cruise in a walk-off (Zoolander reference anyone?), so I suspect we'll be jamming things in there soon enough.
Big Item Done #4: Cozy Nursing Chair Found
Although we wanted a snuggly little corner of the room for nursing and reading books and doing other cool baby activities, we didn't want a glider because we found them horrifically expensive for how unattractive they are.
Instead, we picked up this armchair from IKEA yesterday for $299.
Now we just need some kind of footrest, and this corner will be mostly set.
What do we have left?
Well, lots of things. Besides organizing the closet and doing some laundry and buying a rug, I have a few craft projects I want to complete for the room.
But let's get one thing straight: I'm so NOT crafty. There just may be a 911 call from our house next weekend when I try to wield a hot glue gun and scissors.
What I'll be attempting to make:
A twine-wrapped monogram. Yes, our baby's name will be Ampersand. There, now you know.

A sunburst mirror.

A paint-chip mobile.

And some kind of scrapbook paper or fabric wall art.

All ideas were found on Pinterest, but the links will take you to the actual tutorials in case you want to get crafty, too!
In addition to all of the makeovering (not a word) that we've been doing, our first baby shower is coming up in a mere two weekends. Our registries at Target and Babies 'R' Us are pretty much set, but if you parents out there have any good suggestions, send them my way.
Registering for stuff is always fun. I remember when we completed our wedding registry a few years back; I think we scanned the entire store and then some.
And with that in mind, I'm going to get all greedy capitalist on you and ask this fun question...
If you could register for anything in the world for any reason (not just babies and weddings), what would you "scan" and why?
p.s. There's still time to enter the Tommie Copper compression givewaway! Contest closes at midnight on Wednesday.