The Connection Runners

5 Reasons Why I Read Your Blog

When I first started this blog back in April 2010, I really wasn't sure what I was doing.

All I knew how to do was to run. And write about running. It was (and still is) my teeny tiny contribution to the Blog World as I digitally record my life.

For a long time, I didn't even realize that (gasp!) other people out there were doing the exact same thing. Somehow, almost exactly a year later, I stumbled upon blogs like Skinny Runner, Carrots 'N' Cake, and Run, Eat, Repeat.

And then an obsession took over. I started commenting on blogs, which led to the discovery of other blogs, and checking out those blogs led again to finding even more blogs.

These days, my Google Reader is chock full of subscriptions to digital versions of other peoples' lives.

If I've subscribed to a blog, there's usually a good reason (or two, or three, or four, at least) behind it. I've noticed that many of the blogs I race home from work to read have some things in common; these elements make them enjoyable, easily readable, and interesting.

Thus, the Five Reasons Why I Read Your Blog:

#1. You post regularly.
I'm a sucker for schedules, so I like knowing that my favorite bloggers usually follow some kind of posting schedule. There's always something for me to read and catch up on.

The frequency of posting doesn't matter; if I know that you regularly post once a week, once a day or once an hour (ok, that's a wee bit excessive), I can look forward to reading what you have to say.

#2. Your posts present a good mix of topics.
As much as I dig a good schedule, I love when bloggers mix up the content. Posts about food and recipes? Sure. A quick recap of a race? Yes, please. An emotions-laden lament about life in general? Ok, that's cool.

Having a good variety helps me to remember that you're a real person with real experiences, emotions, appetite, and relationships. Plus, I love getting to know you through your blog, so the more variety in the content, the more I can learn about your life.

(That last part sounded just a tad creepy. Sorry.)

#3. Photos make regular appearances within those posts.
Though I can sit and read 500-page novels like nobody's business, I always appreciate a good photograph. Let's face it: we all love pictures. They entice us, make us wonder. They help to tell the story and provide a brief break from the text.

And since I enjoy stalking you getting to know you, photos help bring your life to well... life! I can put names with faces. I can check out that restaurant you went to or the family event you attended.

Ironically, this is a post of mine with a few (ok, one) visual image. Sorry, even I don't always take my own advice.

#4. You inject personality and voice into the blog.
When I write, I try to be witty and cool because that's how I try to act in real life. Not sure if it always pans out but eh... there's always self-deprecation when all of the wit and coolness disappears (was it ever there?).

Anyway, I've come to expect the same thing out of the blogs I read. Some bloggers have a real talent for using their voice in their writing; it's almost as if I can hear them reading it out loud, even when I don't know them at all. Being able to "hear" things like grief, joy, humor, and surprise in writing make it all the more interesting.

#5. You know when to share your life and when to let things stay in the Land of the Unposted.
I love a good post about potty problems on the run or an amazing meal at a superb downtown restaurant or the time your 3-year-old daughter said a swear word in public.

Whatevs. Bring it on.

However, let me be honest for a sec:
I don't always need to see or read about every single that you ate that day.
I don't always need the down to the minute details of every mile you ran.
I don't always need to hear complaining and lamenting in every single blog post.

I love writing about my life and my experiences, but there's no need to discuss everything I do everyday. Blogging provides a great outlet for all of us, but sometimes that outlet needs to be filtered.

Weigh In: What makes you subscribe to a blog? What elements keep you coming back for more?