The Connection Runners

BumpWatch: Week 20 (It's A... )

I loved reading all of the guesses on yesterday's gender predictions post. And now it's finally time for the big reveal. You'll probably just scroll down to the end of this post to find out if LBA's a He or a She, but in case you're interested in other random details at Week 20, read on!

Feeling: Pretty great, actually. Energy levels are at an all-time high. Perhaps even too high! Since I'm heading back to work next week, and with baby now half-baked, I'm really feeling the push to get things done around the house.

I'm also still running 4 times a week. Weekday runs average 2-4 miles, and long runs have been upwards of 8 and 9 miles since I'm training for the Crim 10-Mile Race, which is actually tomorrow! I'm hoping to keep up this frequency until I can't anymore.

Weight Gain: Running seems to have staved off some of the weight gain these last four weeks. I only gained 2 pounds since my last check-up 4 weeks ago. Don't worry though - I'm eating more than my share of food, and I'm not trying to not gain weight.

Total gain so far: about 10 pounds.

Cravings/Aversions: I'm pretty much eating everything in sight these days. Sweets have made a huge comeback this month; I have to have dessert after pretty much every meal. I went through an entire pan of brownies last week. I'm even eating ice cream again.

There's nothing that I'm averting, although my sense of smell is really heightened right now because the stench of some things (seafood, peoples' garbage sitting on the curb in the morning) really makes me want to spill my nuggets everywhere.

Other Tidbits:
1) Neural tube defect follow-up testing went smoothly. After two blood draws (that yielded slightly high numbers) and an intensive ultrasound, all is well with LBA. *Sighs in relief*

2) To cloth or not to cloth; that is the question. I've been researching cloth diapers left and right, and, for now, I think we're going to give them a whirl. They're eco-friendly, cost-effective, and super cute to boot (duh, you know I'm choosing them over disposables because of the cute factor). Now we have to find persuade a daycare to use them, too.

3) The nursery is almost ready for the big design overhaul. We spent a weekend cleaning and clearing it out, bought a lovely dresser for $75 on Craigslist (that we'll refinish), and have a few cute outfits for LBA already hanging in the closet. More NurseryWatch to come soon!

The Big Reveal
Ok, on with the big news. Kevin and I hosted a family dinner last night to announce the results of our anatomy scan. Here's the news in photos:

We made a Mediterranean-inspired meal with chicken kebobs, tzatiki sauce, pita bread, potatoes, and fruit.

For dessert? Homemade, frosting-filled cupcakes. The center held a sweet little surprise.

It's a GIRL!

Look at the girly gooey mess!

Our moms (mine on the left, Kevin's to the right) were pretty surprised!

My sister loved it (she has two adorable boys already), but my brother seemed confused about the whole thing. He said, "Can't I just tear it open and eat it?" Ahh, boys.

We were totally surprised by the ultrasound yesterday, but I had a gut feeling really early on that LBA would be a girl.

So there it is!

Now we just have to settle on a name :)

Off to do a lunch and walk date with a girlfriend, then to Flint for the Crim Race. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!