(Guest Post)
My name is Janna and I am participating in my 5th Breast Cancer 3-Day in Washington D.C. in 39 days.
When I sit and think about why I walk…I think about this lady.

This is my friend Dawn. I have know Dawn for nearly 10 years now…all by chance. She worked at the corporate office for a company I worked for that was located in Illinois. (I am in Texas) We created a bond so strong that neither distance nor changes in jobs could break up our friendship.
Dawn is a cancer survivor. A Breast Cancer Survivor.
So is her sister.
And now her mom Pat started her fight on August 15, 2011
“My mom got through Lymph Node surgery today with 4-5 lymph nodes taken out. It will be Thursday before she gets results. She will be undergoing Radiation and the rest of the treatment will depend if it has spread into the Lymph Nodes.”
This family has seen their fair share. MANY families have seen their fair share.
Breast Cancer knows no bounds…
I walk for Dawn, her sister AND her mother Pat, Pam (who beat breast cancer and is now fighting a new cancer battle) Elizabeth, LeeAllan, Louise-Paula, Arthanise (who lost her battle this year), Nancy, Dianne, Mary Ellen, Laurie, Delia's Mom, for my new friend Nancy (who was just recently diagnosed) and for any woman who has ever had to or ever will have to go through this horrible disease.
I also walk for my nieces…Sarah, Ashley, Megan & Mallory. I walk for Amy’s daughter Jules, so that they may never have to deal with this disease.
I walk for a cure. I walk for those who can’t. I walk for those who lost their battles. I walk for YOU.
In order to walk I must raise $2300. I have booked my flight and my hotel room. I am COMMITED to walk for a cure.
Can you help me with my fundraising goal? Every little bit helps.
Please visit my Breast Cancer 3-Day Fundraising site: www.the3day.org/goto/jannagoestodc