Hi all-
Yesterday my camera was acting funky so I wasn't able to post all the pix from this weekend.

Friday's dinner outfit- bringing denim jackets back (according to @jeanniemai- How Do I Look's fashion guru- they're back in :-) )

Red dress, turquoise earrings totally works (w/my Black Bag Ball sparkly gold shoes)
Me and Gillian- follow her @_Gbean on Twitter!
Hubs cleans up nice ;-)
Hubby's tour of downtown PGH during the race
One of the many bridges we traversed in the race
Where's Waldo?
Finish Line
Realizing my super cool dri-fit socks were on the wrong feet. Woops..
Today my legs are absolutely killing me. I've been taking ibuprofen every 6 hours, resting, hydrating and trying to stretch as much as possible. I feel a cold coming on so I amped up my veggies and threw in some wheatgrass in a dinner smoothie. My body was also hardcore craving salt today, I figured my electrolyes needed replenished and picked up some turkey, cheese, and crackers for lunch today. Feeling much better and less headachey now!
What's the coolest/longest/most fun race you've ever ran?
What do you crave after a race?