The Connection Runners

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! So thankful that the weekend's finally here.

And it's doubly nice today since I took the day off of work so we can head up north for the annual Zoo-de-Mac cycling trip. What the heck is Zoo-de-Mac, you ask? Read last year's recap post to find out!

It has something to do with bikes and a blow-up start line. I love blow-up anything.

Also thankful that my husband's off work today, too, and is actually cooking me breakfast right now. Shocker!

So, I've noticed several bloggers who have some kind of "Follow Friday" or "Five for Friday" feature on their blog, and because you know I love to follow the trends, I'm hopping on the bandwagon today.

Plus, why not relive all of the cool happenin' things from the week? It's a nice way to kick off the weekend. My Friday Favorites posts will revisit some the week's most-loved posts, moments, and other random bits. Hope you likey!

Follow These Folks. These posts, from some of my favorite bloggers, inspired me, made me contemplate important stuff, and simply entertained me this week.

  • Sitka, Alaska (From SkinnyRunner): I love SkinnyRunner's blog, and I loved seeing what her summer life is like in Alaska.

  • On Saying it All Aloud... Part 2 (From Can You Stay For Dinner?): If you haven't visited Andie's blog, do it. Now. Her writing is utterly amazing.

Fun From On the Road Again. There's always time for shameless self-promotion.

  • Why I Love Race Photos: It was exciting to finally see photos from the Kalamazoo Marathon, but I really enjoyed sharing them with all of you 17 readers. Thanks for leaving me such great comments, too!

Fabulous Finds. Celebrating the random things that made my life (or could potentially make) awesome.

  • Chia Seeds! Finally picked up a bag of these magical little guys last weekend, and they've been pumping me full of fiber ever since.

  • This J.Crew dress. I needed it, like, yesterday.

Time to Link Up! Add the links to your Friday Favorites below, or leave a note in the comments about your favorite things from this week.