Happy Monday, folks!
Well, I lied. It hasn't been super happy, at least for me. Not that I mean to be a Debbie Downer, but this has been a rough Monday. After yesterday's 7-miler, I've been feeling pretty icky today.
My shins, calves, and hips have been major sore, and since I was back to work this morning, I didn't get much of a chance to sit down. In fact, I teach a class in a classroom that's halfway across the school and the walk there was pretty cumbersome and painful.
Still, there's not much time to rest! Kalamazoo is a mere 26 days away, so I have to keep logging the miles!
But enough about my lamecake legs.
Today is April Miles Bring May Smiles Monday! Missed out last week? Click here to find out what this is all about.
This Week's Focus: Inspiration
Running, or staying in shape in any way, can be just as difficult mentally as it is physically. On days when I just don't have the extra ounce of power, energy, or strength buried within my own self, I turn to others for a magical dose of Inspiration.
Here's some stuff that inspires me:
1) My Better Half: Kevin is my husband of almost three years, but we've been together for about 6 and a half total. He's a smart, witty guy who likes to run, too. In fact, when we first started dating, he impressed me by joining me for an impromptu 7 miles around our college campus. Turns out he'd run track in high school, but to come out randomly that day was pretty awesome. These days, he runs well ahead of my pace, but always shows up at the end of a run to give me a sweaty high and ask me how it went.
A photo I took of Senor Kevin for a photo
class last year. He was supposed to be "contemplating" the run,
but was really just posing for the photo.
2) My Family: My older brother, older sister, and I were raised by my mom more or less. We learned to be a pretty tight-knit group through the years while we made do on not a whole lot of money (Government Cheese, anyone?) These days, we've all come quite a long way - all four of us have college degrees and good jobs. Statistics probably say that we're not supposed to be in the positions we're in today, but I say we made it. (I don't eat Government Cheese anymore, so that's a bonus.)
My sister, mom and I, along with my 11-year-old nephew,
at the MSU Shamrock 5k in March
3) My Cronies: Without our friends around, Kevin and I probably wouldn't enter or train for half the races and events we do each year. Running and competing with friends makes the whole shebang worthwhile. We get to commiserate over tough training runs and Race Day Eve jitters before being able to rock out at the race after-parties together.
On the 51-mile Zoo-de-Mack trail last year
Without any of these fine people, I don't know how I would reach my goals.
So Tell Me: What keeps you inspired to hit your goals and strive to be your personal best? Leave it below!
Want to join in and tell me about a goal for April? Click here!