The Connection Runners

Snow? In AUSTIN?!

Thursday night something crazy happened. It started SNOWING in AUSTIN.

Dash had been BEGGING for snow since before Christmas. I had pretty much decided we were going to have to drive north in search of snow, so we were pretty excited to see it falling outside. It was about 10pm, but we bundled up and headed out to frolic in the snow.

(yes,ridiculously excited for such a tiny bit of snow)

Friday morning we woke up to find this:

Dash only lasted about 10 minutes outside. Then he said "I don't like snow, its very cold." and headed in. Charles and I stayed out and played. (pic was after getting hit in the head)

We had a lot of fun, but of course the snow was melted by that afternoon. By Sunday the temps were back up to 70. It didn't last long, but we enjoyed our small taste of winter.

Don't forget to enter my Road ID giveaway HERE.

Like my cold weather gear? Its GoLite and I'll be giving you a chance to win a jacket of your own this week. Heck, maybe I'll throw in a pair of those running pants too. Who still needs cold weather gear?

Is snow the norm in your area?